Superior Negotiation Services Assisting Prisoners and Their Families Nationwide
Huffman's Services is proud to announce that the First Step Act has passed the United States Senate and the United States House of Representatives have signed the bill into law.
COVID 19 Prisoner Release Program President has signed the cares act allowing inmates that meet the eligibility requirements to go to home confinement for the rest of their sentence and then transfer over to supervised release. A pattern score is required to be eligible, and many times, the regional office has to be contacted to correct some problems that are originally done in the scoring. Exhaustion of administrative remedies as required if you are denied, and a 3582 needs to be filed for this process. We are available to help our clients through this process step-by-step, including speaking to their counselor speaking to regional central office Grand Prairie Texas. We can also assist you and your own pro se litigation if you are denied with a 3582 and speak to the United States attorney about the merits of your claims. State prisoners have similar programs in each state prison, and we can assist you with those programs.
We Handle Federal, State & Local Jurisdictions Nationwide. We also help defendants that are both convicted and not yet convicted.
When you need an ally to handle negotiation strategies on your behalf, our experts are experienced at securing reduced prison sentences. Discover important details about this process.
Negotiation Services
Thoroughly researching court records is an essential part of the sentence reduction process. Read about important terms of service, including confidentiality clauses related to your case.
Research Policies
Huffman's Services' Motto
Always leave people better than you found them.
Kiss the broken. Befriend the lost. Love the lonely.
We also offer services handling parole, probation, supervised release, and we can also lower your court cost fines and restitution..
We negotiate confidential information to the prosecutor to get you a sentence reduction.
Call (814) 350-6898 "We will always consult with your attorney of record if we believe that is beneficial to your case"
About Us
Huffman's Services in Erie, Pennsylvania, specializes in helping convicted clients and incarcerated individuals reduce their prison time. We are working with all types of offenders in state or federal prisons, both post-, and pre-conviction. Richard, our expert sentence negotiator, provides essential information to the prosecution for reduced sentences.
Our exclusive and confidential services are the right choice when all other options have failed. If you need a successful solution to decrease your prison term, we are the seasoned experts to help you. Send us information about your case so we can contact you.
Richard Huffman, our owner, has more than 30 years of negotiating experience. A former US Marine, he had many successes arbitrating terms for city municipalities and on military boards during his early career. Richard has negotiated with the government on his own behalf. He started this business to help individuals receive the right sentencing for their crimes; fair sentencing is the purpose of our company.Mr Huffman has a former criminal record and is giving back to society through this company.
Mission Statement Our goal is to negotiate a sentence reduction using the financial resources of our clients.
Learn More About Huffman's Services
For a free evaluation, please provide the following information along with the best means of contact: - Prisoner's name - Prisoner's identification number - Prison & prison address - Case number - Charge & sentence - State of conviction
If you would like to meet in person with Richard Huffman, please call us to make arrangements.
Commonwealth Entity Registration
Huffman services is a negotiation service that operates Nationwide.
Pennsylvania Entity # 6467218
Mail Security
For security screening purposes, we use a mail shipping & processing service. To maintain client confidentiality, we maintain documents mailed to us only for 30 days unless we are retained.
Insurance Bond
Upon request, we will provide a copy of our Western Surety Company Insurance Bond # 63067838.
We guarantee we will always answer the phone, return your calls, texts, emails, or letters. We will stay in constant contact with you step by step and work with you patiently to resolve any issue and be honest with you at all times, but when dealing with the criminal justice system, there is no guaranteed end result. However, 30 years of experience has proven that if you work hard enough to accomplish something, you will get the desired result.
Company Structure
10% of our work/time spent is towards sentence reduction, and 90% is towards other prison assistance.
Our Duns & Bradstreet Number 080-045-1621
Hours of Operation We are available to our clients 24 hrs. a day, seven days a week. Once we are retained, you will be given a dedicated phone line to reach us.
Office Hours Our office staff is available Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Phone (814) 350-6898
Email HuffmansServices18@gmail.com
Prison Email Access We are on Jpay, CorrLinks, Access Corrections, GTLConnectNetwork, and JailATM.com.
Mailing Address Box #539 Sugar Grove, PA 16350
Meeting Address Renaissance Centre 1001-1007 State Street, Erie, PA 16501
Service Area Nationwide
Phone Call For security, quality control purposes, all incoming and outgoing phone calls are automatically recorded. Your calling Huffman's Services acknowledges permission to record all future phone calls.
Contract/Agreement Our contract/agreement is only with the client. Only the client signs any agreements. Family, friends, and supporters never sign any agreements and pay us voluntarily, and have no legal, contractual /obligation.
See Our Location
First Contact With Prisoners
It is a theory of obtaining a sentence reduction by solving a criminal case in the local district of conviction using a licensed private investigator. There is no guarantee of success. We have to go about this several different ways if the prosecutor is not willing to consider it then we have to use the commutation of sentence process.
We are a Pennsylvania company that operates Nationwide, and the owner of our company has personally been cooperating with the government for over 34 years. We will mail them out an information packet. Please provide the name, prison ID number, and address if you have not already done so. We will need their permission to speak to you in detail about their case, so please have them contact us. We are in the office Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Eastern Standard Time at 814-350-6898; you may also text our offices. If an inmate has an email service at their facility, please provide us the company, and we will set up an email service with them immediately. Our email address is huffmansservices18@gmail.com, and our website address is huffmansservices.com.
We offer internal prison assistance with:
medical |
mental health |
vocational |
educational |
grievances |
religious rights |
claims |
obtaining internal prison records |
safer inmate housing |
prison transfers |
treaty transfers |
prison corruption investigations |
parole |
probation |
halfway house |
International prisoner exchanges |
home detention |
supervised release |
marriage |
divorce |
research of LexisNexis Pacer |
assistance to get specific programming |
pro se research litigation projects |
special prison programs to reduce incarceration |
consecutive to concurrent sentencing resolutions |
getting detainers to be dismissed in lieu of current incarceration |
staff problem resolution Services |
research of a lawyer or a private investigator before you retain their services |
Research to find family, friends, supporters, companies names, numbers, and addresses |
assistance to obtain specific employment within the institution |
coordination of these matters with outside agencies to ensure the highest possible success of your own litigation. |
internet database research engines such as media, civil, criminal, Financial, bankruptcy, immigration, Family Court, credit, court, the court of appeals |
Pro Se external litigation assistance - ensuring that your motions are properly filed, follow-up emails, letters, and phone calls to ensure your motion precede through the courts in a timely fashion.
We also offer a unique records collection unit where we will be able to obtain hard-to-find, difficult documents to enhance your own litigation. We also offer external prison assistance to buy and sell real estate, pay or collect on bills, research to see if tax funds are available for when you work but did not request a refund, research to see if the death of a loved one resulted in funds or property left in Probate, research to see if information that you may have to solve an insurance fraud case find a wanted fugitive, solve the criminal case to pay a reward or other benefit. However, the most likely reason for you to correspond is our sentence reduction division, and we will provide you with a simple explanation for a very complicated matter.
Please remember when cooperating with the government that mandatory minimums, recommended sentence guideline ranges, and time frame to get back into court do not apply when the government is using the cooperation with authorities laws, substantial assistance to authorities laws the government can do just about anything they want to do when they are working with the judge and using these types of laws.
Please remember that we do not make a profit from client expenses; they merely cover the expenses for this process. We do make a profit from solving a high-profile criminal case finding wanted fugitives which are paid by the local, city, county, state, federal, and sometimes private organizations for solving criminal cases and finding wanted fugitives.
Disciplinary record? |
Restitution payments? |
Drug, alcohol, sex, violence programming? |
Detainers? |
Voluntary educational, vocational, religious, and other programming and certificates earned while incarcerated? |
Any victims that would have opposed a sentence reduction? |
Was the inmate involved in saving the life of the staff member while in custody? |
Will the family be able to assist in getting legitimate offers of employment and a residence? |
Every case is different, so we cannot provide you an exact amount of the sentence reduction until much farther along in the case, and it is based on the type of case we are able to solve for the Local District of conviction and other factors, however statistically by the government own published statistics for cooperation with authorities the average sentence reductions range from 20 to 37% however, every case is different. For example, the owner of our company has testified in many criminal cases, multiple homicide cases, and to give just one example of many, he testified in the murder trial of a 30-year veteran detective that was murdered while trying to stop at a grocery store robbery and that individuals sentence was reduced by negotiation of about 90% considering several other charges dismissed and resentencing on a specific charge, along with immediate parole, special parole and even financial assistance negotiated directly from the prosecutors own office while the individual was released from prison on parole to help them start their life all over again. This was an extraordinary case, and every case is different, but this is an example of what is possible.
In the state of Texas, in addition to getting the prosecutor's agreement for a sentence reduction, we also have to obtain, after the fact, the parole board's permission and finally, the Governor's office. For federal prisoners, in some cases, we will be able to develop the defendant's own information using a private investigator in the local district of conviction to satisfy the United States Attorneys Office. In some cases, a family member that may have some information is sufficient.
Thank you,
Richard owner/author huffmansservices.com

"We are merely an extension of the inmate defendants' own pro se efforts."
We are not lawyers or private investigators, but we will retain one if we deem it appropriate. |
Sentence reductions are at the discretion of the prosecutor as to manner and method. |
This is the process of last resort. This is an opportunity to give back to the community by solving an unsolved criminal case in the local District of conviction which opens opportunities for potential sentence reductions parole probation and other type of relief. You should first exhaust all of your normal legal options. There's no guarantee of success. |
We do not do legal work we are not lawyers we are merely an extension of the inmates own pro se efforts. |
2024 Success
"In 2024, We successfully reduced a Florida Prisoners sentence of life to released on Parole."